Friday, October 3, 2014

There's a children's picture book called That's Good, No That's Bad (or something like that) that sums up this afternoon.

The purchasing agent at school (she's the one that's in charge of ordering stuff for the classrooms) told me where to find the lumber store where I could look for some dowel I need for a project. That's good, right? No. Apparently Taiwan doesn't do dowels which was hard to figure out at the store because the clerk spoke not a word of English.

Oh well. But since we didn't spend much time at the store we had time to head to the bar at the lake for teacher happy hour. That's good, right? Well, yes that was good. The bad part was that after my really tasty glass of hard pear cider I had to hop on my bike and navigate the streets of Kaohsiung at rush hour. That's bad, right? Well, yes it is bad to drink and drive, so do not do that.

The good part was that we passed through the park just as the sun was setting behind Monkey Mountain. Gorgeous:


  1. loving your drunken posts, lightweight.

  2. Was it really any different than my other posts? After all, I'm drunk on life! :)
