I didn't actually take this picture tonight but we did pass by this spot on our walk. In fact, we either walk or bike past it every day since it's right next door to our apartment.
I like to think of it as a living billboard. It's an advertisement for the new highrise apartment they're building but what's different from back home is that the center is surrounded by little pots of plants. The wall has a grid attached to it and each pot is stuck in a hole in the grid. These billboards are all over the place. It's a pretty cool way to add a little greenery to the city.
We also walked past a school with this kiosk in front:
As far as I can tell, it's for publicly displaying grades. Nice (not...).
General elections are coming up soon. I know it's not for president or mayor of Kaohsiung but I don't know who it is for. These little trucks drive around all day long blaring campaign slogans and generally slowing down traffic.
It's really nice being in a place where you can't understand what's being said during an election. Election campaigns are definitely something I do not miss.
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