Sunday, January 11, 2015

Lee is still feeling pretty awful today so he plugged himself into Netflix and curled up on the couch for the morning.

I left him on his own and went for a bike ride. The day felt just like a late September day in Connecticut. There were a few dry leaves on the ground with their distinctive smell and crunch under the wheels of my bike. The temperature was in the low 70's with that little bit of crispness when I passed through the shade of the trees in the park I skirted. The park was full of people - kids on their bikes, soccer and basketball games, lots of walkers and people hanging out on benches. Plus lots and lots of flowers.

It's such a treat to be able to be outside so many days of the year. In New England it was so hard to get motivated to bundle up against the cold and venture out in the dark after work. What I really wanted to do was wrap myself up in a blanket and eat mashed potatoes. Here it's easy to just walk out the door. And at the very least we get exercise getting to and from work. It's not much, but we're on the bikes 30 or 40 minutes every work day.

After my morning ride I picked up some pizza and Lee and I spent the afternoon watching the Patriots beat the Ravens. All-in-all a pretty good Sunday. Now we just need to get Lee healthy again.

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