Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Yesterday I wanted to send Lee a text to let him know I was ready to leave school but all of a sudden my phone only knew how to speak Chinese. It was pretty frustrating because I was really ready to leave. Lee very nicely figured it for me once we got home.

 It's actually kind of cool watching the kids "type" something on a touch screen using Chinese characters . They'll draw a rough approximation of the character and google (or whoever the equivalent is in China) gives 3 or 4 printed characters to choose from.  I don't think I'm explaining it very well because it looks more interesting than how I just explained it. Sorry.

My computer keyboard has characters on it as well as letters. I don't have it with me at the moment so I'll take a picture of it tomorrow and add it to my post. My goal is to figure out how to type characters and know what they say.

I'm off to dinner - sushi - and then we're watching the Patriots' football game. Lee accidentally found out the score but he has very nicely not told me.

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