Sunday, September 14, 2014

In the past 10 days there have been 14 recorded earthquakes on the island. There's a website run by the Taiwan Central Weather Bureau that includes an earthquake page. Earthquakes aren't exactly weather but where else would you post such interesting data. I've never lived in an earthquake zone before. I keep waiting for my first one just so I know what it feels like.

The weather page also keeps track of the typhoons. There's one named Kalmaegi churning around the Philippines right now. It looks like it'll stay well south of us. The typhoon season should be wrapping up pretty soon. The school traditionally misses school at least once a year for a typhoon but we haven't yet. The teachers are expected to provide enough schoolwork online so that we don't have to make up any missed days.


  1. The New Year's Eve quake? I think I slept through that. Or maybe I was in the basement watching TV. Anyway, I didn't feel it.
