Yesterday I got a piece of mail. Wow, mail! I haven't gotten much of that. This mail was from my family, sent by my lovely sister Jenner.
It's a card from beautiful Chautauqua, New York, where my family goes every summer. This year was the first time since 1990 that Lee and I haven't gone. It made me sad not to be there but this card was signed by my brothers and sisters and Dad and cousins and sons and girlfriend and it's nice to know they were all thinking of us. Thank you.
This coming Monday is Moon Festival. It's a celebration to give thanks to the moon for the autumn harvest. What that means around here is that we have a day off from school (yeah!) and families get together for barbecues and to look at the full moon. It also means we get gifts.
The PTA gave all the teachers pomelos, which are similar to grapefruits but sweeter. One of the parents gave all the high school teachers fried cookies and one of my parents gave me a box of moon cakes.
No doubt there will be firecrackers in the street for the festival, cause who doesn't love fire and smoke and really loud noises. I'll let you know.
Chautauqua wasn't the same without you and hopefully next year we can make it happen with you.
ReplyDeleteThe moon cakes I get here are pretty disgusting; soggy yet dry pastry that tastes like wet paper. I'm hoping yours are better.
If Chautauqua is in July we'll be there.
ReplyDeleteThe moon cakes are flaky with an indeterminate center, maybe bean paste. The mom who gave them to me said she doesn't like the really sweet ones so got me a variation on the traditional. They're pretty good.