Tuesday, September 30, 2014

I needed to get to the bank's ATM today (reference yesterday's post and the forgotten ATM card) so I left work a little early. Or was is that I left only a little bit late? The students' school day ends at 3:00 and the teachers are officially done at 3:30. Although there are occasional days when Lee and/or I leave then, more often we leave closer to 4:30. But today I left at 4:00. No big deal, right? Wrong!

It turns out the public schools get out at 4:00 and it was mayhem on the streets. I had no idea how many schools there are between KAS and the bank. If you've ever been at an elementary school in Simsbury at dismissal time you can understand. Here there aren't any school buses but there are tons of vans and a gazillion scooters coming to scoop up the children. You'll see a mom or dad pile two or three kids onto their scooter and zip off. There's a helmet law for adults but not one for children so most of the kids don't have one. Crazy.

As it turned out the bank didn't want to let me get at my money. For some reason my PIN didn't work and now my card is frozen and I can't even get cash at the 7-11. You know you're in trouble when even the 7-11 ATM's don't give you money. The bank itself closes at 3:00 (reference earlier note about when my school is over) so it's pretty much impossible to physically get to the bank. I'm hoping Daisy, the wonder-woman, can help me work it out tomorrow.

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