Saturday, August 8, 2015

This morning we decided it was time to venture out and get our week's shopping started. Our plan was to head to the morning produce market (aka "the big melon market") but as we exited the parking garage ramp the skies opened up and sent us back inside. The next attempt was an hour or two later when the showers had stopped, at least for awhile. It was too late for the market and too early for the grocery store so we walked to the 24 hour store (aka "the plastic store," aka "the mini walmart").

It became quite clear the destruction the typhoon left in its wake. We didn't see any buildings with damage but the broken and uprooted trees were overwhelming. Later when we biked over to the grocery store the bike path was nearly impassable in places from all the limbs down. It was heart breaking to walk through our neighborhood park, Aohzidi, and see the devastation of the trees.

Here are a few pix of what we saw.

Scooter dominoes

Most of the palm trees were unscathed but not these particular ones.

Look for the man (without a helmet, btw) cutting away the tree limbs while sitting in the tree.

In this picture you can see the path disappear into the trees. Before the storm that path went all the way through the park unimpeded. Now the whole park is full of downed trees and tree limbs. I imagine there will be armies of people out over the next few weeks clearing away the debris but it'll take years for the trees to recover.

1 comment:

  1. OUCH!
    I feel so bad about the park. The typhoon made he evening news here.
    Glad your OK.
