Friday, August 7, 2015

Here's what I've discovered as I wait for typhoon Soudelor:

The air gets really, really humid. And hot too, but it's the humidity that's stifling.

Taiwan seems quite small when you look at satellite images of the typhoon. Once the storm makes landfall it will cover the entire island.

In Kaohsiung, most people seem unconcerned that a typhoon is about to slam into the island. Maybe they've already stocked up on noodles and toilet paper but everyone seems to be carrying on like the weather is no big deal. We'll find out tomorrow how big of a deal this storm is.


  1. The pictures of the storm look quite impressive. Stay safe and eat lots of mangos!

  2. Does the media hype the weather as they do here? Still, be prepared, try to enjoy...go sailing.

    1. We're getting wind gusts of 70 mph and the storm is just beginning to reach us. There will be no sailing, at least not intentionally. Hard to know what the media is saying since it's all in Chinese.
