Thursday, August 27, 2015

The rain this month has been relentless. Okay, maybe not the whole month, but pretty darn close. No wonder it's called the the rainy season. They're trying to finish the temporary playground space and they need two days in a row with no (or minimal) rain and that hasn't happened since the typhoon hit, nearly three weeks ago.

The rain doesn't seem to slow down the building construction much, however. Yesterday there was a really impressive thunder storm that rolled through and there were men out there playing with, oh sorry, working with the crane and digging big holes. Eventually the guy driving the crane came out of his cozy little driving compartment to stare at the sky but the lightning was still flashing all over the place. Crazy.

Here's a shot of the construction site, although it's not as impressive in a photo as it in real life.
Those are dark clouds in the background, by the way, not blue sky.
The kids were joking that there wasn't any reason to be building a swimming pool when there were already pool-size puddles out there. If the rain keeps up I imagine native fish will spontaneously populate the pools and we can start a fishing club.

I should have tried taking a video of the rain coming down as we left school yesterday. There's a lot of roof area that drains down onto the wooden-floored courtyard outside the classrooms. The waterfall action was pretty impressive. We should have just admitted defeat and taken a taxi to yoga but we really wanted our bikes to be home at the end of the day (I'll explain why in a second) so we waited until it was only pouring instead of a deluge. Of course we were instantly soaked and it was clear we were not going to yoga in clothes that wet. So we just biked home instead.

It was cold (cold! In Taiwan I was actually cold!) and the rain stung when it picked up again, which, of course, it did. Because this is the rainy season, after all. At one point we were waiting for the light to change (was it my imagination or did we get stopped by every red light on the way home?) and two minivans attempted to occupy the same space at the same time in the middle of the intersection. Fortunately they were both traveling at about two miles per hour so there was no damage but it did require both the drivers to get out into the rain so they could stare at each other's bumper. If they'd paid half that much attention when they were driving they wouldn't have run into each other.

Back to the bikes getting back home. Today is Open House at school which makes for a very long day. Clearly we need to head to the Wakey afterwards for drinks and dinner which means taking a taxi home instead of biking, which means we wanted the bikes home at the end of yesterday so we wouldn't have to get them home at the end of today if we'd left them at school because of the rain. Do you follow?

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