Thursday, May 28, 2015

A few experiences to add to the "love Taiwan/hate Taiwan" balance sheet.

Love Taiwan: The other day when we got mango ices Lee forgot his cell phone on the table when we left. An hour later when we went back it was waiting for him behind the counter. I've come to believe that it wouldn't occur to anyone to steal something like that.

Hate Taiwan: There were a bunch of scooters and a taxi sitting at a red light. When the light turned green most of the scooters took off but one hesitated. (He was probably on his cell phone.) The taxi plowed into the back of him! The driver of the scooter managed to stay on his bike but his helmet went flying and the taxi driver started yelling at him. Traffic here is crazy.

Love Taiwan: After I got home from school yesterday Lee and I hopped on our bikes, picked up some dinner and headed down the bike path. In 45 minutes we were having a picnic on the beach.

Hate Taiwan: At 5 o'clock this morning it's 82 degrees with a heat index of 93.
Love Taiwan: It will never snow here.

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