Monday, December 22, 2014

We have arrived in Amherst and our suitcase seems to be close behind. I expect it will get delivered to the house this morning. It was an eventful couple of days before we arrived at my family's house. Dad took a tumble down the stairs on Friday and cracked a couple of vertebrae in his neck plus a rib or two. He spent a night at the hospital, then they sent him home with a neck brace, some pain killer and a suggestion that he avoid doing that again. So far, so good, and we celebrated his 90th birthday, phase one, yesterday. Phase two will be on Wednesday when the rest of the family arrives.

My beautiful and lovely niece folded 90 paper balloons to decorate the living room.

Then it was time to open a few presents, mostly Chautauqua related plus a little Chinese lantern.

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