Tuesday, December 9, 2014

On my bike ride home from work today I noticed two things worth mentioning. (I feel like the kid in the Dr. Seuss' book "And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street." How interesting can your daily commute be?)

First, as I was passing by the park there was a beautiful young woman all decked out in her wedding gown posing for photos. That is certainly not unusual as the pre-wedding photo shoot business is huge in Taiwan. What I found unusual was that there was someone setting up a small tent on the sidewalk and when I came around the corner again (I sometimes circle the park on my way home to get in a little bit more exercise) the woman had changed from her white gown to a startling red one, having just ducked into the tent to do a quick makeover. On the sidewalk! I've noticed that the sense of privacy is different here than what I'm used to but even this seemed a bit of a stretch for me.

The second thing I noticed was this: About two months ago a small storefront business was built on a street corner in our neighborhood. I soon figured out it was the headquarters for one of the people running for the local elections. The elections were at the end of November and today the building was getting demolished. Talk about a throw-away society! The entire building was built, used and destroyed in a matter of a few months. Maybe not the best use of resources...

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