Saturday, December 20, 2014

We are partway home. Uneventful trip to Narita Airport outside Tokyo. Then five hours walking the corridors before boarding the long flight to Dallas. We were delayed about 90 minutes on the tarmac as they tested the engines, then turned around all the taxied planes. Apparently the weather changed and they wanted all the flights to take off heading south instead of north. Go figure.

The pilot must have gunned the engines or we had a really good tail wind because we arrived only 30 minutes late. We waited and waited and waited for our one piece of luggage so we could go through customs, but all for naught. My change of clothes and most of our Christmas presents apparently chose a different route to the states. Hopefully someone will find it in their heart to help my bag get home for Christmas.

Now we're in Dallas, awaiting flight number three. Hopefully we'll be in New England before midnight.

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