Friday, August 8, 2014

Yesterday morning Lee asked if I'd checked the weather report and we both chuckled since the weather report is always the same. Even before we got here I'd check and it was always mostly cloudy with the chance of rain showers, highs around 90, lows around 80, humidity around 80-90%.

But yesterday was actually different. It rained most of the day. Everyone on their scooters had on ankle length rain ponchos. Did I mention everyone rides scooters? There are cars too but there are something like a million registered scooters in a city of about 2 million. As a pedestrian you better keep your eyes open because they are crazy. They're on the sidewalks, routinely run red lights, weave in between the lanes of traffic. And they're everywhere!

Most of the teachers at KAS have one. I'm pretty sure Lee and I will get one once we've gotten settled. Lee said I can sit in back and navigate but I told him I'd have to do it with my eyes squeezed shut. Maybe riding the bikes around will get me used to being on the roads and I won't be quite so terrified of the scooters.

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