Friday, August 1, 2014

No pictures for this post. It's the middle of the night and too dark for photos, but I can't sleep.

We had a busy day yesterday, starting with the new faculty meeting. The school had arranged for a taxi to pick us up but when we said to the gentleman at the concierge table in the lobby of our apartment building that we were waiting for the taxi he apparently ordered us a second one. When we got out at the school we assumed the school had already paid so we just walked away. Imagine the surprise from the taxi driver! He must think these foreigners are awfully entitled. Not to worry, we did pay him.

All the new faculty took a bus to a portrait studio to get pictures taken for our Alien Residency Cards. It was like going to Motophoto for passport pictures but Taiwan style. The photographer was a tiny older man who was very concerned with how the "portraits" came out. He spent the time arranging our hair (well, not Lee's) and getting us to look just right. He had set out juice boxes and sodas for us and insisted we take something. I think the contrast is that he was pleased to be doing us a service and Motophoto was just taking our business.

Tomorrow, well, later this morning, seeing that it's already well past midnight, we go on a city tour and shopping trip. There was concern that we may get rained out but the typhoon heading this way apparently headed north to Japan instead. Pictures to follow.

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