Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The other day we were taking a walk around a local park and came across this:
It's an apiary! The whole area smelled wonderfully of honey and the bees seemed quite happy. Okay, I have no idea if they were happy or not but it certainly looks like a happy place. The colors on the beehives look just like the colors of the 7-11's that one finds on every street corner in Kaohsiung, and possibly every street corner in Taiwan.

Those colors also remind me of the parrots we've been passing on our way home from work the last week or two. There are three or four people who gather in a little park, each with the biggest, most brightly colored parrots I've ever seen. The birds perch on the people's hands or shoulders and every so often someone will toss their bird into the air and it'll fly in a big arc and come land back on the person's arm. The flash of colors as the birds fly is breathtaking. It's worth stopping and watching for a few minutes as the traffic swirls by.


  1. Into little bottles that were lined up on a table nearby. There was no one around to ask if they were for sale. Not that I speak enough Chinese to ask that anyway.
