Sunday, July 4, 2021

Day 2 in Utah

 The forecast called for another hot day so we got out early and headed to Antelope Island at the Great Salt Lake. When we arrived at 7:30 the temperature was around 70 degrees, but by the time we left four and a half hours later it was 95. It's definitely an advantage to be morning people!

The view of the island from the beginning of the causeway.

Our first hike was at Buffalo Point. Whoever named the point was unaware that the American Bison is not a buffalo. The views of the lake and the mountains in the distance were spectacular.

It looks like mist on the water but is actually the reflection of the clouds.

Here are my attempts of a selfie with Lee and one with my shadow, both from Buffalo Point.

Our next hike was at the Gravel Pit. (They really could use some help with naming things around here.) It was beautiful in its own way but some other adjectives come to mind first - desolate, harsh, barren. 
The knoll on the right is Buffalo Point.

You may not believe it but there's an antelope in this picture. We saw some more later but this one was special because it was the only other living mammal we saw on our Gravel Pit hike.

During the day we also saw a lizard and an owl and a whole lot of bison.

There was a herd of 300-500, or so the brochure said. We didn't count them ourselves.

This papa bison held up traffic while some females and their babies crossed the road.

We drove down to the Frary Ranch at the end of the paved road and walked around a bit but by then the heat was really building so called it a day. (But first zoomed in with my extended family for a quick 4th of July hello.)
The Wasatch Mountains overlooking Ogden.

Dinner was at the Red Iguana. It's unlikely we'll be able to stay up late enough tonight to see any fireworks.

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