Thursday, October 22, 2015

A year ago in October I remember asking a colleague whether or not the humidity ever changed in Kaohsiung. It seemed to me that it was always hot and sticky, although by mid-October I could tell the average temperature had dropped at least a little bit. As I recall, this colleague admitted he wasn't sure about the humidity because he didn't really notice it at all once the highs were no longer in the 90's. I thought, sure, you don't notice it. You must not get out much without an air conditioner around.

Well, I have to admit that the humidity is really not that much of an issue this year. Sure, there were times that it was hot and sticky but mostly it's not so bad. I mentioned to Lee this afternoon that the air seemed dryer than it had in the last few days - we have the remnants of a typhoon working its way past us right now - even though it was still overcast and occasionally spitting a few raindrops. My definition of too humid has changed. The weather is just the way it is. So what if you get to your destination all sweaty. So did everyone else and no one seems to care.

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