Wednesday, June 24, 2015

We are well into our whirlwind summer vacation. During the seven week break we will be sleeping in ten or so different places. So far we've been to France and Germany, we landed in the US in Boston to see Lee's mom, and now we're in Amherst to visit my family. This is our home base, so to speak, so we'll be back here a bunch of times inbetween other trips.

It's surprising how cold it's been everywhere we've gone. At 5:30 this morning (no, my internal clock has not quite caught up to local time) it was 62 degrees. It barely ever got that cold in the middle of winter in Taiwan. I'm not sure if my memory of what's "normal" has changed but it feels really cold for a late June morning in New England. Is this really what it's supposed to feel like? I clearly didn't pack enough cold weather clothes.

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