I got my cast off on Monday with instructions to work on getting back my range of motion and an appointment with the x-ray technician in four weeks. The break on my radius has healed nicely but the chip that broke off the ulna hasn't reattached so it's possible I'll still need surgery to screw it back in place. Bummer. I know I was being optimistic but I was holding onto the fantasy that when the cast came off I'd be all better. But it still hurts, especially because I'm using my arm more, and I still can't ride my bike.
But now it's time to get back to work. The administration and staff at KAS have been working hard to get the new building ready for faculty meetings today and tomorrow and the grand opening of the school on Monday. Like any big building project there have been delays and hurdles so the final cleaning hasn't been done yet and the building is filthy.
Lee and I went in to school yesterday to start unpacking our boxes. Here's my room after a few hours of work.
Yes, it still needs work. It also needs desks and chairs for the students, which everyone else seems to have gotten but somehow my room did not. I did, however, have a bird in my room. He had flown through a window and couldn't get out. Lee and I showed him the opened door to my balcony (yes, I have a really nice balcony outside my classroom) and he flew on his merry way. I think that's a good omen, having a bird in your new classroom, even if he did leave a bit of a mess on one of the tables.
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