Monday, March 2, 2015

I start my afternoon club next week. Each teacher is expected to sponsor an activity for the students for one quarter. Clubs run once a week from 3-4:30 and can be anything that the teacher chooses. There's the Chinese fan dance club, math club, personal fitness plus various sports teams. I am offering weaving for the upper elementary kids. I already have my middle school weaving club during the school day on Wednesdays so this will be more of the same. One difference is that all of the students will have chosen the club, as opposed to middle school, where some students get assigned to me because they were too lazy to make a selection when asked.

When we were on the train going to Taipei I met a little girl sitting across the aisle from me. I had brought my little inkle loom to work on during the trip and she spent the hour watching very intently. She practiced her English with me, much to her parents' delight and drew a picture of me weaving.
I think I look a little like Tina Fey, don't you?

Here's the project I finished. I think it's a pot holder.

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